Stage 1 :
x-rays reports are normal but MRI reveals the dead bone.
Treatment Time : 3-6 Month
Sesssion Required : 20+
AVN (Avascular Necrosis) hip joint rehabilitation aims to manage pain, prevent further degeneration, and restore function. Treatment includes a combination of manual therapy, strengthening exercises, and mobility restoration techniques to improve joint movement and reduce stiffness. Weight-bearing strategies and low-impact exercises are emphasized to reduce strain on the hip joint. Patients may also engage in aquatic therapy to minimize joint pressure while improving strength and flexibility. Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding high-impact activities, and using assistive devices like crutches or canes, are also recommended. In advanced cases, surgical options may be considered alongside rehabilitation efforts.
x-rays reports are normal but MRI reveals the dead bone.
Treatment Time : 3-6 Month
Sesssion Required : 20+
Abnormal lucency or sclerotic site in femoral head, Subchondral collapse (ie, crescent sign) without flattening of femoral head.
Treatment Time : 3-6 Month
Sesssion Required : 30
shows signs of collapse (called a crescent sign) on x-ray. Flattening of the femoral head; normal joint space, Joint space narrowing, acetabular changes, or both
Treatment Time : 6-8 Month
Sesssion Required : 40
Collapse on x-ray and signs of cartilage damage (osteoarthritis), Advanced degenerative changes are further subdivided according to the percentage of femoral head involvement is more than 30%.
Treatment Time : 9 Month
Sesssion Required : 45
Avn Hip Joint Rehab Therapy | Symptoms
Step 1 : With your right foot, step up sideways onto the step, following with the left. Step off the step sideways to the right with the right foot, following with the left.
Step 2 : eturn to the start position by repeating the step pattern leading with the left. To increase the intensity of this exercise, hop with your right as you bring the
Step 1 : Stand tall while holding onto a firm support in your left hand.
Step 2 : Swing your right leg towards to the left in front of the left leg, leading with your heel and instep. Hold and lower to the ground with control. Be sure to keep your torso upright and not drop the right hip down.
Step 1 : Stand while holding onto a firm support in you right hand.
Step 2 : Swing your right leg towards to the left in front of the left leg, leading with your heel and instep. Hold and lower to the ground with control. Be sure to keep your torso upright and not drop the right hip down.
Step 1 : Lie on your back bend one knee.
Step 2 : Pull the leg over keeping the knee very slightly bent until a gentle stretch is felt at the back of the leg. Perform 3 sets of 10 seconds once or twice a day.
Step 1 : Lie on the ground and bend the knees, placing the feet flat on the floor hip-width apart. Press the feet into the floor, keeping the arms by the sides.
Step 2 : Raise the buttocks off the ground until the body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. Squeeze the buttocks with the shoulders remaining on the floor.
Step 3 : Lower the buttocks to the ground and rest for a few seconds. Repeat 15 times and then rest for 1 minute. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
Step 1 : Stand in a split stance. Place your left leg forward and knee bent slightly with your right leg reaching backward.
Step 2 : Keep your right leg stationary and your torso upright, while pushing forward with your right hip allowing your right leg to bend backward
Step 1 : Lay on your left side, place right leg above the left leg.
Step 2 : With your hips and knees bent to approximately 45°. Keep your ankles together. Open your right knee 4-6 inches and lower with control. Be sure not to let your hips rock backward.
Step 1 : Lie on your back, both knees bent. Place a pillow between the knees.
Step 2 : Squeeze your knees together, squishing the pillow between them. Hold for 5 seconds. Do two sets of 10 repetitions.
Step 1 : Lie on your back with your knees bent, and both feet flat on the floor. Place the right ankle on top of the left knee creating a figure-4.
Step 2 : Gently pull the left thigh toward your chest. You can grasp the back of the left thigh, or the front of the shin. Hold stretch for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Step 1 : While on your back, bring your right leg up to a right angle. Clasp both hands behind the thigh, locking your fingers.
Step 2 : Lift your left leg and place your right ankle on top of the left knee.Hold the position for a moment. This helps stretch the tiny piriformis muscle, which sometimes becomes inflamed and presses against the sciatic nerve, causing pain. Do the same exercise with the other leg.
Step 1 : Place your right foot on an elevated surface at or below your hip level. This could be a chair, ottoman, or step on a staircase. Flex your foot so your toes and leg are straight. If your knee tends to hyperextend, keep a slight bend in it.
Step 2 : Bend your body forward slightly toward your foot. The further you go, the deeper the stretch. Don’t push so far that you feel pain.
Step 3 : Release the hip of your raised leg downward as opposed to lifting it up. If you need help easing your hip down, loop a yoga strap or long exercise band over your right thigh and under your left foot. Hold for at least 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.